4235 W 95th ST
Oak Lawn, IL 60453
6800 S Route 83
Darien, IL 60561


Our office in Oak Lawn, IL does everything to accommodate our patients and schedule your appointment as promptly as possible. We also understand that true emergencies happen and we make every effort to see patients on the same day. Please call us for your dental emergency!

Our office conveniently offers morning, evening, and weekend hours by appointment.

Your initial appointment will consist of a consultation explaining your diagnosis and all of your treatment options. Occasionally, your treatment may be done the same day. However, this depends on your medical history and the complexity of the treatment plan. Call our office today to schedule a consultation!

Health and Happiness Dental
4235 W 95th ST Oak Lawn IL 60453
6800 S Route 83 Darien IL 60561
1-630-920-6800 USD Cash, Check, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover, Most Dental Insurance Plans, CareCredit
Happy A. Haralampopoulos Doctor
Gene Z. Walchirk Doctor
Nikol H. Haralampopoulos Doctor